Daiva Dasakam Lyrics Pdf 13
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Daiva Dasakam: A Universal Prayer by Narayana Guru
Daiva Dasakam (Ten Verses to God) is a prayer composed by Narayana Guru, a renowned social reformer and spiritual leader from Kerala, India. He wrote this prayer in Malayalam around 1914, and it has been translated into at least 100 languages and scripts. In 2009, the Kerala state government recommended that it should become the national prayer of India.
The prayer expresses the devotion and surrender of the seeker to the Supreme Being, who is the source, sustainer and goal of all creation. It also acknowledges the role of maya (illusion) in veiling the true nature of reality, and seeks liberation from its bondage. The prayer is simple yet profound, and can be recited by anyone regardless of their faith or background.
The following is the original Malayalam text of the prayer, along with its English transliteration and translation:
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Daivame! Kaathukolkangu kaividaathingungu njangale; Naavikan nee bhavaabdikkoo- Raavivantoni nin padam.
O God! Protect us always without forsaking us; You are the boatman who takes us across the ocean of samsara (cycle of birth and death); Your feet are the boat.
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O-nnonnaayenniyenni tto-Ttennum porulodungiyaal ni-Nna-I-Tu-M drkku-Po-Lu-Llum na-Nna-I-Ls-Pan-dam-a-kannum.
If we count one by one all the things that have meaning,We shouldThe prayer is recited daily by millions of people across the world, especially in Kerala, where it is considered as a universal prayer for all religions and communities. It is also sung as a devotional song in various languages and tunes. Some of the famous singers who have rendered this prayer are K. J. Yesudas, Chitra, and S. Janaki.
Narayana Guru was not only a poet and a philosopher, but also a social reformer who challenged the caste system and the discrimination faced by the lower castes in Kerala. He founded several temples, schools, and ashrams for the upliftment of the oppressed sections of the society. He also advocated for inter-caste marriages, women's education, and abolition of untouchability. He was influenced by the teachings of Adi Shankara, Buddha, Jesus Christ, and Prophet Muhammad, and he tried to integrate the essence of all religions into his philosophy of Advaita Vedanta (non-dualism).
Narayana Guru passed away on September 20, 1928, at his ashram in Sivagiri, Kerala. He was cremated according to Hindu rites, and his ashes were scattered in the Arabian Sea. His followers celebrate his birthday and death anniversary as auspicious occasions. He is revered as a saint and a guru by many people across India and abroad. He is also honored by various governments and institutions for his contributions to humanity. ec8f644aee